SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword error occurs when the INTO keyword is missing from the insert statement. The INTO keyword specifies the name of the table into which the data will be stored. Along with the INSERT keyword, the INTO keyword will be added. The INTO keyword is used to prefix the table name. The error SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword will be thrown if the INTO keyword is not included in the insert statement.
The INTO keyword is frequently overlooked while writing the insert statement. The error will be thrown in this scenario. The INTO keyword is used in both the INSERT and SELECT statements. In the SELECT statement, the INTO keyword is an option. This error SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword will only be displayed in the insert statement.
When the ORA-00925 error occurs
If the INTO keyword is missing in the insert statement, Oracle will throw the error. The INTO keyword is added in between INSERT keyword and the table name. If the INTO keyword is not added, oracle will search for the INTO keyword and finds the table name at which the values from the VALUES clause will be stored. Otherwise, oracle will throw the error SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword.
insert employee values(4,'kim',2);
Error starting at line : 25 in command -
insert employee values(4,'kim',2)
Error at Command Line : 25 Column : 9
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword
00925. 00000 - "missing INTO keyword"
Root Cause
The INTO keyword is the identifier for the table name in the insert statement. If the INTO keyword is missing in the insert statement, Oracle could not find the table name. The insert statement will fail to insert the value in the table. The error message “SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword” will be shown
If the INTO keyword is missed in the insert statement, add the INTO keyword in between INSERT keyword and table name. The syntax of the insert statement will be as follows.
insert employee values(4,'kim',2);
SQL Error: ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword
00925. 00000 - "missing INTO keyword"
insert INTO employee values(4,'kim',2);
1 row inserted.